Saturday, August 6, 2011

El Cajon mother, son sentenced in death of disabled family member

An El Cajon mother and son have been sentenced to prison for allowing an older son, disabled with cerebral palsy and severe mental problems, to live in filth while they misused his state disability payments.

Deborah Marlow, 59, was sentenced to two years in prison, and her son, Christopher, 27, to six years in the death of Jeremy Marlow, 28.

When he was found by officials, Jeremy Marlow was malnourished, covered with sores and living amid piles of garbage and animal excrement.

The Marlows pleaded guilty in May to mistreating a disabled person causing great bodily injury. They were sentenced Friday in the El Cajon branch of San Diego County Superior Court.

After the death of Jeremy Marlow in January 2010, his mother and brother fled to Texas in an apparent effort to avoid prosecution. They were charged and then extradited.

-- Tony Perry

Photo: Christopher and Deborah Marlow. Credit: KSWB-TV Channel 5

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