Monday, August 15, 2011

Protesters shut down BART station in San Francisco

Bart Protest1
Protesters in San Francisco stopped a BART train Monday evening at the Civic Center Station, which was shut down as authorities tried to quell the demonstration.

The station was closed and cleared about 5:30 p.m., authorities said, citing safety concerns. No arrests had been reported.

"Once the platform becomes unsafe, we can't jeopardize the safety of patrons and employees," BART Deputy Police Chief Dan Hartwig said.  BART protest 2

People were angry that the transit agency cut underground cellular phone service for three hours last week in an effort to quell a protest over alleged BART Police brutality and the shootings of Charles Blair Hill and Oscar Grant by transit police.


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-- Maria L. La Ganga in San Francisco

Photos: Scene at Civic Center station. Credit: Maria L. La Ganga/Los Angeles Times.

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