Monday, August 22, 2011

Sunset Beach now part of Huntington Beach

For months, residents of tiny Sunset Beach have held off the advances of neighboring Huntington Beach.

But on Monday, the unincorporated coastal community finally fell and officially became part Huntington Beach.

Benjamin Legbandt, a policy analyst for the Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission, told the Huntington Beach Independent that his group filed paperwork with the county Monday that essentially ends the months-long feud between the neighboring communities.

The state must approve the deal, but Legbandt called that a formality.

On Thursday, Orange County Superior Court Judge Frederick P. Horn ruled against the Citizen's Assn. of Sunset Beach, which wanted to block the annexation until Sunset Beach residents could vote on whether they should pay the same taxes as residents in Huntington Beach.

Association President Jack Markovitz said his group planned to appeal Horn’s decision.

"We pretty much thought, if we didn't get a favorable ruling, we'd appeal," he said. "If we did get a favorable ruling, Huntington Beach would have appealed, or LAFCO. So we were pretty much resigned to going through the appeals process anyway."


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--Michael Miller, Times Community News

Photo: Sunset Beach is one of Orange County last unincorporated beach towns. Credit: Don Bartletti

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