Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Conrad Murray trial: Attorney puzzled by request for CPR machine

Banners outside Michael Jackson trial
An attorney for the company producing Michael Jackson's comeback shows testified Wednesday she was puzzled by Dr. Conrad Murray’s requests for a CPR machine and a second physician as part of his contract to care for the pop singer.

When Kathy Jorrie remarked that resuscitation equipment would probably be at the London venue where Jackson was to perform, Murray said he “wouldn’t want to take a chance,” Jorrie testified.

Live video: Full coverage of Conrad Murray's trial

Murray said “he will be putting on an extraordinary performance,” she recalled. “Because of that, given his age and the strenuous performance he was putting on, he needed to be sure if something went wrong, he [would have] a CPR machine.”

He also said he needed a second doctor in case he was tired or unavailable, she testified.

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