Thursday, September 22, 2011

Despite fatal stabbing, crime low on Metro transit, agency says

Commuters on Metro Red Line
Crime on Metro trains and buses has been dropping over the last five years and is lower than in many of the communities they serve, according to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s news blog.

The Source, addressing the issue after a fatal stabbing last month on the Red Line in Hollywood, reported 2.77 “part one” crimes committed for every million boardings in 2010 on Metro trains and buses.

Part one crimes are murder, rape, assault, robbery, burglary and theft.

The agency’s part one crime rate compares with 6.68 per million on Washington, D.C.'s WMATA system and 11.03 per million on Dallas’ DART system. Boston’s MBTA system registered 2.63 per million last year.

The most common part one crime committed on Metro trains and buses is theft, usually of jewelry, cellular phones or other personal electronics, according to the blog.

Metro’s Blue Line, with 14.3 part one crimes per million riders, tallied the highest number, 29, last year. The Green Line (19.7 per million riders) was second, with 27 part one crimes.

Jesse Garay, 58, of North Hollywood was killed last month after being stabbed on the Red Line subway near the Hollywood and Vine station.


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Photo: Commuters on the Metro Red Line last year. Credit: Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times.

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