Monday, September 26, 2011

Downtown L.A. stadium developer lays out parking, transit plans

Preliminary renderings of the planned Farmers Field show a design that's in keeping with the AEG template - shiny and conventional. -- PHOTOGRAPHER: AEG
Los Angeles lawmakers Monday got their first peek at a transportation plan for the proposed 72,000-seat football stadium in downtown Los Angeles.

In a presentation to a City Council committee, a transportation consultant for the project’s developer, Anschutz Entertainment Group, laid out preliminary proposals on how to ease traffic congestion and improve public transit near the stadium. He described a parking strategy that would direct game-day drivers to parking zones based on the direction they’re traveling from and explained plans for an AEG-funded expansion of a light rail station on Pico Boulevard.

He did not discuss broad measures to encourage football fans to use public transportation to get to the stadium, even though a bill passed by state legislators earlier this month requires AEG to reduce car traffic.

As a part of the bill, which limits the time line for legal challenges to the project, AEG must build a carbon-neutral stadium with more public transit users than any other stadium in the country. William Delvac, an attorney for AEG, said that in order to meet the carbon-neutral requirement, the firm may purchase carbon offset credits from eco-friendly projects nearby that do work to mitigate global warming.

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