Saturday, September 3, 2011

Helping apartment dwellers recycle

Recycle2Assemblyman Bob Blumenfield (D-Woodland Hills) has sponsored a bill requiring owners of buildings with five or more units to provide recycling services.

He recently joined with representatives of organizations supporting the bill in a news conference at the Bella Vista Apartments in Woodland Hills -- which Blumenfield said “demonstrated it can be done and done efficiently” -- to urge Gov. Jerry Brown to sign the legislation. Former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed an earlier version of the bill.

The Times' Mary MacVean has more details on the bill at the Home blog.


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Photo: The news conference on the proposed recycling law are, from left, Ryan Minniear, executive director, California Apartment Assn., Los Angeles; Assemblyman Bob Blumenfield; Douglas Corcoran of Waste Management; and Mike Young, political and development associate, California League of Conservation Voters (Assembly Democrats).

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