Thursday, September 1, 2011

L.A. earthquake: 4.3 quake felt across Southern California

L.A. earthquake Sept. 1, 2011
Weak shaking from a magnitude 4.3 earthquake in the San Fernando Valley was felt as far away as the Grapevine and Orange County, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

But the shaking was not enough to cause damage. And the shaking was variable, depending on the neighborhood.

For example, Anthony Guarino, a seismic analyst at Caltech in Pasadena, said he didn’t feel the quake, but his colleagues across the street at the U.S. Geological Survey felt a sharp jolt.

The quake was centered in a highly seismic area in the mountains north of the Valley, near the same area where the 1971 Sylmar earthquake and the 1994 Northridge quake occurred, Guarino said.

“There’s a lot of faults in that area, very complex geology,” Guarino said.

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