Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Glendale considers cracking down on large signs

Glendale considers cracking down on large signs In an effort to downsize the large pole signs often associated with fast-food restaurants, officials are recommending that the Glendale City Council stick to a years-old requirement that the signs are either torn down or replaced with smaller versions ir order to be in line with the law.

The Planning Commission made the recommendation as the City Council considers whether to stick to the plan or give business owners some form of reprieve, the Glendale News-Press reported.

About 60 businesses throughout Glendale -- including fast-food restaurants and hair salons -- currently can't change what their large pole signs say unless they replace the structures with smaller ones, which could cost thousands of dollars.

"The council could choose to change it if they want to give people a break" because of the recession, Principal Planner Wolfgang Krause said.

The signs -- most of which are on West Glenoaks Boulevard, Honolulu Avenue, La Crescenta Avenue, North Pacific Avenue and Verdugo Boulevard -- are too big, according to city code. Some reach as high as 25 feet with a surface area of 200 square feet, far larger than what's allowed: heights of 6 to 8 feet and surface areas of 40 to 75 square feet.

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