Monday, October 17, 2011

Marines return to Twentynine Palms from Afghanistan

Wait2Amid tears, flag-waving and shouts of joy from family members and other well-wishers, Marines of the 3rd Battalion, 4th Regiment returned Monday to the base at Twentynine Palms.

The battalion saw three Marines killed and dozens wounded during a seven-month deployment to Helmand province in southern Afghanistan on the border with Pakistan.

Commandant Gen. James Amos, his wife, Bonnie, and Sgt.-Major Michael Barrett-- the top enlisted man in the Marine Corps -- were on base to welcome the Three-Four.

Although the Three-Four is now home, another battalion from Twentynine Palms, the Two-Seven, has just arrived in Afghanistan to relieve the One-Five from Camp Pendleton.

Marines will be in Afghanistan, the commandant said, "until the job is done."

-- Tony Perry in San Diego

Photo: Marine and daughter reunited at Twentynine Palms. Credit: Lance Cpl. Sarah Dietz / Marine Corps

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