Monday, October 10, 2011

Quarry reopens after deadly shooting rampage

Family members talk to a worker as they await word of a relative following the quarry shooting

Employees returned to work Monday at a Cupertino, Calif., quarry that had been shuttered since a disgruntled employee opened fire on coworkers Wednesday, killing three and wounding six more.

Shareef Allman, 49, also shot and wounded a Hewlett Packard contract worker in a failed carjacking attempt nearby. He was on the loose for 27 hours before sheriff's deputies shot and killed him in a residential driveway in Sunnyvale.

The Lehigh Permanente Plant where Allman and nine of the victims worked was started by Henry Kaiser in 1939 to supply construction of the Shasta Dam. Irving, Texas-based Lehigh Hanson Inc., which operates the plant, said Monday that the quarry had reopened and was expected to be "fully operational within one week."

Photos: Shooting at California quarry

"The company's priority continues to be the well-being of the plant's employees and their families," a statement read, adding that grief counselors remained on site.

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