Sunday, November 13, 2011

$10,000 reward offered for return of stolen Yorkies

A Buena Park woman is offering a $10,000 reward for the safe return of four Yorkshire terriers stolen when her home was burglarized.

Linda Bush, 70, said she left the house to buy groceries around 10 a.m. Friday morning, and when she returned, she found someone had broken in through a window and ransacked the house, taking televisions, cameras, jewelry and the Yorkies.

Three of the stolen dogs were 7-week-old puppies. The fourth was a small, 8-year-old female with several medical conditions. Bush said the thief might have mistaken the adult dog, Staci, for a puppy because of her size.

The puppies' mother was left behind. "She just keeps going to the room, crying and looking for them," Bush said.

Bush asked that anyone with information about the puppies' whereabouts email or call the Buena Park police at (714) 562-3902.


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— Abby Sewell

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