Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Boy, 2, killed in O.C. by drunk driver who fled scene, police say

Hit-and-run scene
A 2-year-old boy in Santa Ana was killed by an allegedly drunk driver who police said fled the accident scene, authorities said Wednesday night.

The incident occurred as a mother was crossing North Bewley Street near West 5th Street with her 1-year-old daughter in her arm and holding her 2-year-old son. A man in a Toyota sport utility vehicle came speeding by from a nearby bar and struck the family, police said.

The 2-year-old was swept under the vehicle and the mother and her 1-year-old  ended up on the hood of the vehicle but were thrown off as it sped away, said Cpl. Anthony Bertagna of the Santa Ana Police Department.

All three were taken to a hospital, where the boy was pronounced dead. The mother and the daughter suffered injuries that were not life-threatening, Bertagna said.

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