Saturday, November 12, 2011

Concern over rise in bicycle accidents

Burbank police say they’re concerned about an increase in the number of bicycle accidents over the past two years — a trend made all the more troublesome since the injuries have also gotten more serious.

Through October this year, police have responded to 32 injury bike collisions — more than the whole of 2007, when there were 24, and nearly as many as the 33 reported in 2008, Lt. J.J. Puglisi said.

Based on the number of complaints from the public, police are worried that the rise is due, in part, to the behavior of cyclists, such as running red lights.

“I hear a lot of complaints from the community at large about the behavior they observe of people biking through the community,” Puglisi said, adding that, combined with a lack of awareness among motorists, the mix can be volatile.

There was also an economic factor, he said.

“I think with the push [to go] green and with higher gas prices, there is some motivation to commute on bikes than in past years,” Puglisi told the Burbank Leader.


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--Maria Hsin, Times Community News

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