Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hateful comments target lesbian homecoming couple at high school


A high school where a lesbian couple was selected as Homecoming King and Queen have been the subject of hateful phone calls and emails as the story spread across the nation.

Officials did not detail the messages but described some of them as disturbing.

Supt. Bill Kowba said adults criticizing the selection of Rebecca Arellano and Haileigh Adams are "demonstrating such a lack of tolerance and are presenting such a negative role model for children with their hateful comments."

Arellano was named homecoming king at a Friday pep rally. Adams was named homecoming queen at a school dance Saturday.

The calls and emails, Kowba said, "are also disrupting the work of the school to focus on the education of students ... if these calls and emails were from students, they would face disciplinary measures."

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