Fireworks night may be fun for humans, but it can be hell for pets. The combination of animals’ ultra-sensitive hearing with a lack of comprehension about “what the heck is causing that noise” results in many pets panicking when they hear the bangs, shrieks and whines of fireworks.
The Association of Pet Dog Trainers UK, have put together a useful list of suggested tips to help keep anxious dogs – and other pets – calm while there are fireworks displays going on outside. Tip number eight caught my attention this year:
If you have a particularly anxious pet, you should speak to your vet about treatments that can help. Both traditional and homeopathic remedies such as Flower Essences and other natural products are available, and have been found to be very useful in many cases. It is important that you discuss any treatments with your vet before using them.
This contrasts with part of the comprehensive policy statement about fireworks phobias on the website of the British Small Animal Veterinary Association:
Given that an evidence base exists for conventional drugs and behavioural therapies, a clinician should not prescribe an unproven alternative that directly or indirectly results in the worsening of a behavioural problem. There is no peer-reviewed evidence for the efficacy of herbal or homeopathic drugs, or food supplements in the management or treatment of noise phobias. They should not be considered to be suitable for the treatment of noise fears and phobias.
So who is right here? The non-evidence-based lay people, or the evidence-based vets?
This debate is given added significance in 2011 because of a new product that has been launched in recent months. Calmex is a tablet that contains, among other ingredients, a psychoactive plant extract called Piper Methysticum, known more commonly as Kava Kava which has caused serious liver damage in people.
The precise toxicology mechanism is not understood, so the Committee on Safety of Medicines (CSM) recommended a ban on the substance for humans (because it was not possible to give advice on how to use it safely, or who might be at risk from using it). The ban was issued in 2002, and renewed a few years later.
How can such an ingredient find its way into treatments for pets when it is banned for humans in the UK? The manufacturers claim that since Piper methysticum (Kava kava) is listed on page 178 of Annex I of the EU Register of Feed Additives, Calmex is classified as a "Complementary Feed" in accordance with EU regulation 767/2009 and does not require a Marketing Authorisation. Essentially, it cannot be classed as a medicinal product.
However, the situation is still far from clear. The Veterinary Medicines Directorate, which has the final say over whether something is a medicinal product or not, issued the following statement today: "This product does not have a marketing authorisation as a veterinary medicinal product and we’re aware of concerns over its use and are investigating. People should only use authorised veterinary medicines and the VMD aims to ensure that all vet medical products are safe to use."
When asked for clarification, the European Food Standards Agency, which produces the EC directives that the manufacturer of Calmex refers to, gave the following provisional statement: “Piper methysticum is indeed an authorised feed additive. However, the intended use as feed additive is 'flavouring' and this I would deny for the product at stake. Consequently, it is up to the UK authorities to decide whether it is a (unauthorised) veterinary medicine. Against the background of Art 13 of Reg 767/2009 there are several claims on the flyer that could be challenged.”
My advice? If your pet is frightened of fireworks, stick to the safe, evidence-based answers.
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