Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Occupy Oakland: Truckers at port support protesters

Occupy Oakland demonstrators who converged on the Port of Oakland on Wednesday evening said  truckers were mostly supportive of their cause, honking, waving and even allowing protesters to scramble on the roofs of their trailers.

"When the crowd started dying down they'd honk and wave to get us excited," said Audra Casanova, 26, of Oakland, who marched with her husband and 6-month-old baby, Alexander.

Casanova, a UC Berkeley comparative literature student with $42,000 in educational debt, said:  "We're fighting for our children, really, so they're not owned by federal loans like we are."

Mann Singh, 42, of Pittsburg sat patiently in his truck with a smile on his face.

"I'm happy. I'm supporting them," he said as demonstrators crowded the area listening to music.

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