Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why we all need to talk about prostate cancer – the forgotten cancer

Prostate cancer: men tend to ignore symptoms

It appears that the uptake of breast cancer screening varies in different geographical areas of the UK. Researchers reporting to the National Cancer Research Institute's conference in Liverpool revealed that "fear, anxiety and embarrassment" were the reasons given by women for not attending breast screening – along with only being aware of two possible symptoms and assuming that "cancer would never happen to me".

GPs, nurses and health professionals are being encouraged to talk to women about breast cancer in order to raise the numbers accepting screening.

Women are much better at understanding their own bodies but if fear, anxiety and embarrassment are dissuading them from seeking screening, how much worse will it be among the male population. We know, from breast cancer in men, that the male of the species tends to ignore symptoms so that, by the time the doctor is consulted, the breast cancer has reached an advanced stage. I wonder – does the same apply to prostate and other male cancers?

This month is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month – known as Movember because men, who want to raise money for the cause, stop shaving on 1st November and, by the end of the month, are sporting magnificent moustaches – for which their sponsors dig deep. It gives everyone a chance to try and raise awareness of this cancer by prompting public and private conversations.

As I am constantly being told by my male readers, prostate cancer does not have the same high profile as breast cancer – yet men need to be better educated and more aware of this disease because, in the UK, it kills one man every hour. It is the most common cancer in men.

The Prostate Cancer Charity funds a helpline – 0800 074 8383 – on which you can speak to specialist nurses; there is a discussion forum, where you can compare notes with others in the same situation; there is specialist information for men and their families. The charity also funds the Prostate Cancer Master Class, which is well-attended by GPs, nurses and specialists – who then are supposed to go out and spread the word.

The causes of prostate cancer are not well understood, the symptoms are difficult to pinpoint (and could apply to other conditions) but there is a good deal of research work and development of treatments.

At the same conference in Liverpool, a new magnetic treatment was described. Using nanoparticles to deliver white blood cells or macrophages (which are cancer fighting) directly to the heart of the prostate tumour, the results have been very promising. The more white blood cells that can be delivered, the more cancer cells that can be eliminated. It is thought that, eventually, it will be possible to use the same treatment on advanced prostate cancer, which has spread to other organs of the body.

The CancerHelp website of Cancer Research UK gives the most common symptoms of prostate cancer as being the same as a non cancerous enlargement of the prostate – which makes it all rather confusing.

The website suggests that if you have any of the following symptoms, please see your doctor – but remember that most enlargements of the prostate are not cancer and can be easily treated.

1. Having to rush to the toilet to pass urine.

2. Difficulty passing urine.

3. Passing urine more often tha usual, especially at night.

4. Pain on passing urine – but this is rare.

5. Blood in the urine or semen – but this is very rare.

It is also worth checking with your GP if you have pain in your back, hips, pelvis or other bony areas, because this may be the first sign which shows up in your body.

Raising the profile of prostate cancer will be helped enormously next year because The Prostate Cancer Charity and Breast Cancer Care are the joint official charities for the 2012 London Marathon.

In the meantime, let us all talk as freely about prostate cancer as we do about breast cancer.


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