Monday, August 8, 2011

Car slams into stalled vehicle as witness calls for help; 1 killed

A 22-year-old man died this morning when his disabled vehicle was struck by another car on the Pomona Freeway as a witness was summoning help, the California Highway Patrol reported.

The man, driving a 1991 Acura, entered the westbound Pomona Freeway at Atlantic Boulevard and crashed into the center median for unknown reasons, said CHP Officer Ed Jacobs. A witness came up to his vehicle, facing south against the wall, and was calling the CHP to report the crash when a driver in a Toyota crashed into the Acura on the driver's side.

The Acura's driver was pronounced dead at the scene, Jacobs said. The Toyota driver, a 28-year-old man, called the CHP to say he did not see the disabled vehicle.

-- Catherine Saillant

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