Monday, August 8, 2011

LAPD closes blocks in Sherman Oaks to search for robbery suspects

Map shows approximate location of robberies in black and recent crime reports in brown. Click for information on Van Nuys crime in The Times' interactive Crime L.A. project.

Los Angeles police arrested at least one suspect and were searching for several others Monday afternoon after two heists were committed and a witness was fired on with a shotgun, authorities said.

Police shut down three blocks east of Sepulveda Boulevard near Valley Vista in connection with the 1:45 p.m. shooting, said LAPD spokesman Gus Villanueva. The Valley Vista offramp of the 405 Freeway was also closed.

Officials believe at least three men were involved in two robberies, one near the intersection of Saticoy Street and Haskell Avenue, the other near Burnet Avenue and Keswick Street.

At one point an unidentified witness began following the getaway vehicle and was fired on by one or more of the suspects, Villanueva said. The witness was not hurt.


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Map: Shows approximate location of robberies, in black, and recent crime reports, in brown. Credit: Crime L.A.

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