Saturday, September 17, 2011

Bobcat spotted in Brand Park in Glendale

Animal control and Glendale police officers responded to a bobcat sighting at Brand Park in Glendale today.

A bobcat was spotted Friday in an open grass area of Brand Park in north Glendale, said city spokesman Tom Lorenz.

The cat, which weighed approximately 20 to 30 pounds, was spotted about 12:30 p.m. before it jumped over a wall into the southeast area of the park. A few seconds later, it hopped back over the wall, returning to the hillside, Lorenz said in an email.

Animal control officers were called to the park, but Lorenz said officials did not consider the bobcat to be dangerous.

"They are regulars all over the hillsides of Glendale," Lorenz told the Glendale News-Press.


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-- Brittany Levine, Times Community News

Photo: Animal control and Glendale police officers respond to a bobcat sighting at Brand Park in Glendale Friday. Credit: Roger Wilson / Times Community News

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