Saturday, September 17, 2011

Search team looking for missing nursing student finds body

Michelle_le_lmegiencA search team looking for a missing nursing student discovered a body Saturday near a secluded dirt trail in the Bay Area community of Sunol, east of Hayward, authorities said.

Crime scene investigators were inspecting the badly decomposed body, which was found in a brushy area near Pleasanton Sunol Road at Verona Road, said Sgt. J.D. Nelson of the Alameda County Sheriff's Department.

The body was discovered about 10:30 a.m. by member of a search party made up of family members and volunteers looking for 26-year-old Michelle Le, who went missing in May.

Investigators said it could not immediately be determined whether the body was that of Le. Because of the condition of the remains, not even the gender could be discerned, according to a news release by the Hayward Police Department. Police said the Alameda County coroner's office will make a determination on the identity.

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