Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Aggressive wolf at Yellowstone National Park euthanized


Officials at Yellowstone National Park said Wednesday that they euthanized a gray wolf that had lost its fear of humans and had been repeatedly attempting to obtain human food.

Park employees killed the 110-pound male Oct. 8, after months of hazing the animal failed and the wolf continued to approach visitors and staff in the Fishing Bridge area of the park. Officials said the wolf was a member of Mollie’s Pack from the Pelican Valley area, and was estimated to be between 2 and 4 years old.

Wolves and bears that become conditioned to human food are usually difficult to relocate, officials said, because they continue to return to the areas where they found an easy source of food.

Authorities at Yellowstone euthanized a female grizzly earlier this month after it was determined to have been involved in at least one fatal attack on a hiker.


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Yellowstone grizzly bear involved in attacks euthanized

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--Julie Cart

Photo: A gray wolf on the near Blacktail Pond in Yellowstone National Park in 2006. Credit: Yellowstone National Park.

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