Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Brea city attorney caught trashing mayor, residents

Sometimes it pays to know when the microphone is on. Just ask for former Assemblyman Michael Duvall, who inadvertently broadcast explicit remarks about his sexual conquests over an open microphone. The mistake cost Duvall his job.

Now, the Orange County Register is reporting that Brea’s city attorney made a similar -– though far less ribald -– gaffe when he disparaged the town’s mayor and a group of citizens who’d turned out to protest a $33,000 increase in City Council benefits earlier this month.

“God, he’s a bad mayor,” attorney James L. Markman muttered when Mayor Roy Moore asked the protesters if they wished to speak, the Register reported. Markham apparently was unaware his microphone was on.

Earlier in the meeting, when a group of teens were dispersing after receiving certificates from the council, Markman says: “Get the hell out. Get out.”

Not quite done yet, Markham then laments, “Now we gotta put up with the craziness” as the students cleared out of the council chambers and the citizens prepared to protest the increased council benefits, the newspaper said.

Markham has since apologized to the mayor, but has not offered a direct public apology.

The Register said the city attorney explained that any comments that appeared to be directed at the audience could have just as easily been a passing remark to, say, a baseball score he’d just seen on his cellphone.


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-- Steve Marble

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