Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hermosa Beach moves closer to banning polystyrene food containers

Polystyrene cup1After nearly a half a year of research and negotiation, the Hermosa Beach City Council has taken a step toward a citywide ban on polystyrene food containers. 

With more than a dozen speakers in attendance, the council voted, 3-2, on Tuesday night to direct city staff to create a ordinance that would ban takeout packaging made of the plastic material.

More than 50 cities in California have similar ordinances in place, due to environmental and health concerns.

"I think it was an amazing outpouring of support from the community that came out last night," said Brian Schoening, who served on the city’s Green Task Force, which recommended the ordinance, which will give restaurants a six-month grace period. "I was actually surprised by the council -– all five members came to agreement that there’s a need to address the issue."

The vote came more than a year after Schoening’s task force was assembled by the council. In May, the task force had recommended an ordinance banning the containers, but the council voted, 4-1, in favor of additional research for an educational program.

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