Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How mindfulness can help you cope with stress and increase your confidence

Breathe deeply and relax (Photo: Alamy)

People centuries ago were far more in tune with the earth and their own senses than we are now. In the UK we live on adrenalin, which we need to fuel our hectic lifestyles and keep us "in the loop" with our constant need to communicate via phone or internet. A perfect example is the need to repeat every question you ask, in a shop or on the telephone.

In that instance, the sense of hearing is not being brought into play because there is so much else going on in the person's mind. In many ways we live too much of our lives on automatic pilot, allowing events to happen to us and, in the process, losing control and self-awareness. How often have any of us "lost" 20 minutes of time, had to return to the house to see if the front door was locked or the gas turned off – or, worse still, arrived somewhere with no recollection of the journey?

At The (Breast Cancer) Haven in London, a programme called Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction is showing huge success for the Haven's "Visitors" (not called patients) and, indeed, for anyone who feels they would like to regain balance and peace of mind. Run by Dr Caroline Hoffman, who is the clinical Director and Research Co-Ordinator at The Haven, the course teaches you to look at yourself scientifically by consciously always bringing your mind back to the present.

Caroline told me that "allowing your mind to wander and ruminate, keeps you in an impoverished mental state". I know what she means – it is exactly what happens to me at 3 in the morning when, like a hamster on a wheel, my mind identifies a problem (usually a tiny one which has taken on gigantic proportions in the middle of the night) and solves it, not once but, probably, four times. I find this happens when the first of a series of night sweats – courtesy of the tamoxifen – wakes me and, foolishly, I begin to "think"!

Caroline trained at the University of Massachusetts in 2004 but has been practising Mindfulness since 1991 and there is no doubt that she demonstrates a "lightness of being", along with great enthusiasm for her subject. It is all about becoming self-aware but Caroline stressed to me that "this does not make you selfish", quite the reverse. It is a tricky theory to put into words but developing our ability to concentrate on the "here and now" – using the technique to "anchor" us as we bubble along on the surface, being buffetted by life's problems – acknowledging everything that happens, taking note but not reacting to it, except to recognise the effect it has on you, means that, for example, communication and relationships are conducted with our wholehearted attention. Doing two things at once will not be on the agenda!

Visitors to The Haven have spoken of feeling "calmer, centred, at peace, connected and more confident"; "being more aware", "coping with stress, anxiety and panic"; "being less judgemental of myself and others"' and "making time for myself". Learning relaxation techniques is a by-product of Mindfulness – lying quietly and being aware of the rise of fall of your diaphragm as you breathe centres you back in the present. All these results must be of enormous value to people with primary or secondary breast cancer – and, indeed, research has shown that Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction helps in all sorts of areas and illnesses: boosting the immune system and enabling people to cope better with pain and, generally, raising our "awareness of yourself including body, mind, heart and soul", giving us a greater energy and enthusiasm for life and resting our feverish minds.

If you are interested, Caroline offers a "drop-in" day twice a month, when you can join in and gain a better understanding of the technique. A full 8 week course begins again in April 2012. For this and other activities offered by The Haven please log onto

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