Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Villaraigosa signs law giving L.A. firms a bidding advantage

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa signs into law Wednesday a measure requiring that departments under his control give local businesses preferential treatment in awarding contracts. Credit: John Hoeffel / Los Angeles Times

The independently run Los Angeles city departments that spend hundreds of millions a year on contracts are likely to adopt an initiative to give local businesses a significant advantage in bidding.

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa signed a law Wednesday creating a local business preference program that applies to about a third of the city’s contracting, but excludes six agencies, including the Department of Water and Power, because they are controlled by their own boards.

The Department of Water and Power, which spent more than $874 million on contracts in the last fiscal year on everything from "paper clips to pumps," could be the first of the six to institute the program.

Noting that the department has long sought ways to spend its money in L.A., Ron Nichols, the general manager, said, "I am confident there will be a very, very warm welcome."

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