Thursday, November 10, 2011

Occupy Oakland: One person fatally shot near protest site

A fatal shooting near the Occupy Oakland encampment did not appear to  be related to campers at the protest site, police said Thursday evening.

Officers responded to reports of multiple shots fired near 14th Street and Broadway on the fringe of the encampment about 4:30 p.m. and found one person sprawled on the ground, the Oakland Police Department said.

Sgt. Christopher Bolton told The Times that the shooting appeared to be connected to the encampment only “in proximity” and did not appear to involve Occupy Oakland protesters.

PHOTOS: Occupy Oakland

News footage from a helicopter showed emergency crews working on the shooting victim as crowds of onlookers gathered in the plaza where the protest has been going on for weeks.

Barucha Peller, who is part of Occupy Oakland, said that medics from the encampment were among the first people to render aid to the mortally wounded victim, according to Bay Area media reports.

A person acting as a representative for the Occupy Oakland told KGO-TV that the victim may have been hiding out from a person or a group of people at the encampment shortly before the incident.

“If someone does something wrong in their community, they may want to come here and this is not the place for that,” Shake Anderson told KGO-TV.

The Oakland Tribune reported on its Twitter account that a news cameraman filming the chaos was beaten by people at the scene.

The area was cordoned off with crime scene tape as investigators scoured the area for evidence. People were lighting candles in a vigil around the shooting scene.


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--Lee Romney in Oakland and Robert J. Lopez in Los Angeles

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