Thursday, July 28, 2011

Horse killed, owner stung by swarms of bees in Riverside

A horse died Thursday afternoon and its owner was stung several times after swarms of bees attacked them, Riverside County authorities said.

The horse owner, who was not identified, was treated for numerous bee stings at an emergency room and asked hospital officials to send someone to check on his horse. Riverside County Animal Services officers went to the Arlanza neighborhood in Riverside, where they found that the horse had died from the bee stings, according to a department report.

It was unclear how many times the horse and owner had been stung.

Officers believe the attack may have been triggered when the horse owner began spraying his horse with fly repellent. The enraged bees swarmed out of two hives in the neighborhood.

Exterminators were on the scene late Thursday disposing of the hives, according to the report.


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-- Sam Quinones

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