The average day laborer in Harbor City and Wilmington is 44 years old and has lived in the United States for nearly 17 years, according to survey results out of Harbor-UCLA Medical Center.
The Harbor-UCLA Summer Urban Health Fellowship conducted research and health outreach with the assistance of seven volunteer doctors, nine medical students, 13 college students and 20 local high schoolers.
Their project’s findings were based on interviews with 158 day laborers in Harbor City and Wilmington.
The profile of these local workers differs from a national sample of day laborers based on research from 2004. That earlier study found day laborers had an average age of 34 and had been in the country an average of six years.
The local surveys found that 75% of the workers are not legal United States residents -- not surprising given the informal nature of day work and the difficulty of finding regular jobs without U.S. citizenship.
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