Thursday, July 28, 2011

Near-riot in Hollywood: Video from Electric Daisy premiere

Numerous videos have emerged on YouTube showing Wednesday night's disturbance on Hollywood Boulevard involving the premiere of a movie about the Electric Daisy Carnival music festival.

Crowds spilled into the street around Grauman's Chinese Theatre, with some people throwing bottles at police.

Here is a sampling:

This video shows aerial shots of the crowd forming on Hollywood Boulevard and police setting up a line of officers in the street. The video also shows some people dancing in the middle of the street and the tense scene as police try to hold the crowd in place.


This video shows police cars and motorcycles moving in after the large crowd gets unruly.


The video shows people not involved in the disturbance trying to get around Hollywood as police closed off streets.


Full coverage: Rowdy crowd at Electric Daisy Carnival Experience screening

Insomniac responds to death of rave attendee in Dallas

Electric Daisy Carnival rave moving to Las Vegas after conflict and controversy at the Coliseum

-- Shelby Grad

Credit: YouTube

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